The Employment Law Alliance - ELA Mobile App provides access to the worlds most prestigious labor and employment lawyers from the best law firms in the world.
Employment Law Alliance - An Ultimate HR, Legal, and Employment Law Across the globe.
Employment Law Alliance App, is the most comprehensive database of local employment laws across all 50 US States, all Canadian provinces, and 100 countries worldwide! The ELA Employment Law Alliance mobile application provides exclusive tools and resources tailored to your needs.
Global Employer Handbook:
The ELA's Global Employer Handbook is an exclusive online resource that provides critical information on labor, employment and immigration law in 170+ jurisdictions worldwide.
Use this valuable resource to gain real time access to local laws and regulations for each jurisdiction worldwide
Global Lawyer Directory:
Quick access to search and connect directly with top lawyers by jurisdiction
Streaming HR /Employment Law content:
Listen to podcasts, register for upcoming webinars or watch archived programs and get legal news and updates from ELA member firms from around the globe.
Register for client conferences or special ELA events.
Enable notifications to receive alerts on new ELA programming, available on the app
We’re here to help you out and looking forward to hear your feedback.
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